Happy Valentines Day!! Couples Archery Special

It’s Valentines day..  and it should be all about eating very good chocolate 🙂  and flowers.  I met someone a couple of weeks ago who doesn’t like chocolate, and i’m like wow!! How can that be! Do you like chocolate?  I like high quality good chocolate, not so much the stuff that you can pick up in the line at the grocery store.  

And then there is the bow and arrow on valentines day 🙂  Did you know that Archery is an Olympic sport? It’s a summer sport so you won’t see it at the Olympics right now, but you will see some great archery action at the next summer Olympics.  

Couple archery lesson, come relax and shoot an arrow of love at a balloon or chocolate lol, no no we eat the chocolate 🙂  Pull a string back and let go of stress… Couples Archery Special for the rest of the month of February for the first 4 people that text me and have the word chocolate in it 🙂  (603 ) 317 – 5413    

Have a wonderful day,  Coach Lucy

PS Ohh very excited to offer Couples Archery Special for the first 4 people that text me between now and the end of February.  Have a romantic shoot off and have fun doing an age old sport together, text me at (603) 317 – 5413 with the word chocolate in the text 🙂