Cool Archery Game created by students in my Archery Instructor Class

Level 1 Archery Instructor Class at Cape Cod Sea Camps 2015 with Coach Lucy Morris

2015 Cape Cod Sea Camps June 15th - 16th instructor training A

My archery instructor classes consist of more than just learning archery form and safety, they are challenged with team building skills, leadership, problem solving and laughter ( must have some laughter).

In my 2 day level 1 instructor classes the students will have been teamed up the night before to work on varies home work assignments and to come up with a fun and safe archery game.

In the video below a team of students from my instructor class at Cape Cod Sea Camps give a new version of the game Save The Dragon. It’s so much fun as I can tell that they have learned from instructors I have taught at Cape Cod Sea Camps in the past 🙂 :).

I usually teach a version of this game about the 3rd or 4th time I have met with my students.  My regular students will already have learned aiming and string alignment before we do a game that they don’t realize is an aiming game lol so much fun.

Below is another version of the game that my intern is having fun teaching to a group of my students.


Thank you Cape Cod Sea Camps for hosting another year of awesome training at your camp!!

PS In June I trained  a lot of level 1 archery instructors and I video taped all of the games that they created.  I will be compiling the games and posting a game page created by the instructors that I trained in June of 2015.