TFA: 005 The World of Archery with Coach Keaton Chia – Discover Your Passion For Archery
Keaton Chia: Archery has become a fun part of Keaton’s life as well as his family’s as Keaton’s parents, sister, and brother also enjoy shooting arrows and coaching. Keaton met his wife through archery and once their little girl is old enough, Keaton believes it will be fun to see if she wants to give it a ‘shot’. Keaton feels blessed with the opportunity to work in the archery industry through the Easton Foundation. Keaton enjoys helping with the Olympic Archery in Schools program, where he helped develop a unique league for archery teams in different schools around the United States. Keaton is now the 1st director of the new Easton Archery Center of Excellence at the Olympic Training Center in Chula Vista California, that officially opened October of 2015.
” I am thankful for all of the friends and opportunities that God has brought into my life through archery.” Keaton Chia from interview with Lucy Morris, host of the TFA podcast
In This Episode You’ll Discover …
- Keaton’s passion for archery
- Keaton’s favorite archery book
- Why you should smile more
- How different foods affect your shooting
- Keaton’s earliest challenge in archery
- Where Keaton met his wife 🙂
- What a loophole archery range is
- The craziest weather day that Keaton experienced in a competition
- What kind of bow does Keaton like?
- Keaton’s tip on how to stay focused on the archery range
“My name is Keaton and I’m a toxophilite. =)” quote from Keaton Chia
New England School of Archery and Supplies llc Where we also offer the mindset of a champion coaching to athletes as well as to the business world. How to think like a champion at work, in life and on and off the archery field.
Our Guest’s Links:
Visit Coach Keaton Chia at:
Listen To The Flying Archer Podcast HERE:
Or click here to listen to The World of Archery with Coach Keaton Chia
Older Episodes of our TFA Archery podcast show
The World of Archery with Coach Derek Davis Podcast
The World of Archery with Coach Tim Williams Podcast
The World of Archery with Coach Charlie Sneed Podcast
The World of Archery with Coach Jim White Podcast
Thank you for listening and please share 🙂 Level 4 NTS Coach Lucy Morris and host of The Flying Archer (TFA)
TFA: 004 The World of Archery with Coach Derek Davis – Discover Your Passion For Archery
Derek Davis: is the Head Coach for Woman’s Archery at Columbia University. Derek is a Junior Dream Team Coach as well as a coach for other teams, which has given him the opportunity to travel with the teams around the Untied States and internationally. Derek was awarded Coach of the Year for 2014 and a Level 4 NTS Archery Coach. You may not know this, but Derek has also worked in the computer industry and he has a passion for music.
“Be open to what the bow and the shot can teach you” Derek Davis, Level 4 NTS Archery Coach
In This Episode You’ll Discover …
- Derek’s passion for everything archery
- Derek’s favorite archery book and how it’s meaning changed over time
- How to give up control and let the shot just happen
- How different foods affect your shooting
- Derek’s discovery of how to stay focused and embrace the moment
- Derek’s earliest challenge in archery
- The craziest weather day that Derek experienced, and what a story!
- What kind of bow does Derek like?
- Derek’s tip on how to stay focused on the archery range and how important it is in life
- How did Derek get his archery nick name Coach Panda?
New England School of Archery and Supplies llc Where we also offer the mindset of a champion coaching to athletes as well as to the business world. How to think like a champion at work, in life and on and off the archery field.
Our Guest’s Links:
Visit Coach Derek Davis at:
Listen To The Flying Archer Podcast HERE:
Thank you for listening to the TFA podcast
TFA: 003 The World of Archery with Tim Williams – Discover Your Passion For Archery
Tim Williams was raised on a farm in rural Kentucky. Tim is an amazing father of 2 wonderful children, Natalie who is 11, and Ethan who is 9. Tim has been married to a very understanding and wonderful lady for 14 years, Katie 🙂 .
Tim worked as an electrician for 20 years, and he hurt his back 3 times in the last 4 years, so Tim decided it was time to walk away from the back breaking work of a trade, and use his mind and skills to create a new company and to do things that empower others. Now, Tim currently owns his own executive coaching and training business, and Tim is a part of the John Maxwell Team as well as being certified as an archery coach in a variety of programs.
Tim is in the process of starting an archery academy in Kentucky with a fellow archery coach. Tim is certified as a NASP (National Archery In The Schools) coach, and Tim has started a NASP program at the school his kids go to. Tim is also a Scholastic 3D archery coach and a level 3 USA archery coach. Tim enjoys the outdoors and is an avid hunter and loves to fish and camp and do anything related with outside.

Field Archery is in the woods. You follow an archery course that has a path with foam targets at different distances.
In This Episode You’ll Discover …
- Tim’s passion for everything about archery
- The power of self talk during a stressful situation
- Tim’s thoughts on those archery gadgets
- That Scholastic 3D is a new craze in Archery
- That the pizza might not be the best to eat at the tournament and why lol
- Why is outcome not important to focus on?
- The craziest weather day that Tim has shot in.
- What kind of bow does Tim like?
- Tim’s tip on how to stay focused on the archery range and how important it is in life.
- Tim’s response to what to do when your equipment breaks: SPRINT!
New England School of Archery and Supplies llc Where we also offer the mindset of a champion coaching to athletes as well as to the business world. How to think like a champion at work, in life and on and off the archery field.
Our Guest’s Links:
Visit Coach Tim Williams at:
Website: E-mail: Twitter: timwilliams38 facebook:
Listen To The Flying Archer Podcast HERE:
TFA: 002 The World of Archery with Coach Charlie Sneed – Discover Your Passion For Archery
Charlie’s archers having fun (Ping pong ball nailed from 30 meters)
Charlie Sneed is a Level 3 Archery Coach and he is retired from both the military and Northrop Grumman. Charlie lives in Elizabeth City, NC near the Virginia border just below Norfolk/Virginia Beach. He has been involved in the cool sport of archery since the early 1970s.
Charlie is very involved with coaching and developing young archers in which he finds pure joy in doing so. He coach’s a JOAD club with his son and a friend and he runs a junior archery league, conducts summer camps in Virginia and North Caroline as well as offering level 2 instructor classes.
In This Episode You’ll Discover …
- Charlie’s passion for archery.
- Charlie’s thoughts on those archery gadgets.
- Why is form work important?
- Why should parents get informed on what equipment to purchase.
- That archery is a life time sport 🙂
- The craziest weather day that Charlie has shot in.
- What kind of bow does Charlie like?
- Charlie’s tip on how to stay focused on the archery range and in any sport.
- Craziest thing that has happened to Charlie while competing.
New England School of Archery and Supplies llc Where we also offer the mindset of a champion coaching to athletes as well as to the business world. How to think like a champion at work, in life and on and off the archery field.
Our Guest’s Links:
Visit Coach Charlie Sneed on his facebook page. NCRR Archery + JOAD
Listen To The Flying Archer Podcast HERE:
TFA 001: The World of Archery with Coach Jim White –
Jim White, who is now a level V Certified USA Archery coach, fell in love with archery after he saw a man in a field shooting, and he was invited over to shoot his first shot and JIm hit the paper target. That was in 1965 in North Carolina while Jim was in the Air Force. Then in 1970 while living in North Ohio , Jim was partner with his brother-in-law in a pro shop, indoor and outdoor range. They competed, ran classes and managed indoor league competitions. Jim started coaching in 1996 and progressed through the coaching levels to current level 5 in 2010. Jim was President of Kennesaw Archery Club 1997-2005, and then became Vice President until about March 2015. Jim has also been Vice President of the Georgia Archery Association since around 2005.
Jim White was Awarded Developmental Coach of the Year in 2013.
In This Episode You Will Discover:
- Jim White’s passion for archery.
- The importance of having a coach.
- The path to becoming an Olympic Archer.
- The craziest weather day Jim has ever shot in.
- That archery is a life time sport 🙂
- The inner game of archery – Is archery 10% mental or 90% mental? Or is it all physical? 🙂
- What kind of bow does Jim like?
- Jim’s tip on how to stay focused on the archery range.
- A bonus little video at the very end.
New England School of Archery and Supplies llc Where we also offer the mindset of a champion coaching to athletes as well as to the business world. How to think like a champion at work, in life and on and off the archery field.
Our Guest’s Links:
Visit coach Jim White on his facebook page
Listen To TheFlyingArcher Podcast here:
PS. A bonus short little video at the very end.
Thank you for listening to the TFA podcast and please like and share 🙂 .