I wrote this post on January 21 2019 MLK day…. “I Have A Dream” Now it’s about 5 months later and i’m sharing with you my post. I was going to come back and post this blog the next day, but I will be honest, I forgot. This blog post feels way more powerful sharing my thoughts with you about 5 months later then when I wrote the bulk of the post. I have added some updates to my journey.
It’s mid year! A great time to re-start, re focus on your goals and dreams!
As grown ups, we tend to forget to dream. We look around us and feel that our current circumstances define us, but do they really? When I was a teenager, I had a goal of becoming a pilot and I was laughed at by well meaning adults.
Even on the days when you don’t believe you can, daily action is powerful .
As grown ups, we tend to forget to dream. We look around us and feel that our current circumstances define us, but do they really? Yes, when you have had an idea and told a friend, they may have laughed at you, and another friend may have said that you can’t do that, what ever that was, and over the years you started to listen to your well meaning friends. What they don’t teach us in school is, how to dream, make it a goal, take daily action and not listen to those that laugh at us.

When I was 15 I wanted to learn how to fly airplanes and my grandmother gave me a flying lesson as a birthday present and I totally fell in love… I was told that it was too expensive. So I got a job as a Life Guard making under 4 bucks an hour, It took me 2 years, but I did it. I as a teenager, heard adults say they could not do that because they didn’t have the money. Money is not the issue, it’s reclaiming that dream of yours and sitting down and creating a plan and it’s consistent action over time, and yes when you don’t feel like it. Huge gratitude to my mom who let me take flying lessons and not until years later did she tell me that during that time in her life she was scared of flying. My Mom was my first passenger :).

The tough part about goals and dreams is that there will be times when you don’t feel like working towards it. Like getting up that little bit early, you would prefer to relax and watch TV or spend an hour on social media. The time you have, is your choice on how you want to spend it :).

But when you don’t feel like it and you do it anyways, is where the true growth happens, where you get stronger, more confident and become a better version of you. I went for a walk this morning, the windchill was -23F. I liked the actually temperature of -2F lol I was a little excited because I got to wear my subzero parker with layers, snow pants and boots. The challenging part was, that when my face would get chilled and I moved my scarf onto my face my glasses would fog up. It wasn’t all that bad to be out in the cold I did break a sweat. I was wearing 13 pounds of clothing and I had lost 11 pounds of weight since December 1st 2018 and today is January 21 2019 MLK day. I was wearing just about the weight I had lost lol. As I was walking I realized that this was how heavy I had felt last month.
I had a friend ask me if all I eat is air, I just had to laugh. She asked me what foods i’m not allowed to eat, I responded with that I can eat anything I want. What I did was I created a 90 day plan that would give me more energy and make me feel good. Took daily action and ignored the people that laughed at me.
It’s as simple as: Have a dream, Make it a goal, take daily action and not listen to those that laugh at me. I help people who want to shift a few simple daily habits to gain energy, and have more time
I followed my own advise in this post and with daily activity has changed my life since January 2019. I Become, Do and Achieved and still working on it :).

Even on the days when you don’t believe you can, daily action is powerful .
The 2 pictures of me with the Airplanes is from college. I received a Bachelors of Science in Aviation Management / Flight Operations Two very different airplanes, the first picture is of a Mooney 20J. Which is an airplane where we had to learn to think ahead of it as it was slippery and didn’t like to slow down. The airplane that I’m standing in front of is a Cap 10. It’s a French Aerobatic Airplane. Yes we learned aerobatics and wore a parachute, the key was to have a deeper understating of how airplanes perform.

The Cap 10 is more like driving a Porsche compared to most Civil Aviation airplanes, As it responds with just the slight movement of the stick.
I think we tend to get overwhelmed by the big goal. It’s about breaking your goal down into bight size daily candies aka creating a daily action plan. I help people change their lives with making little simple changes to how they run their life.
Have a wonderful beautiful day :). Coach Lucy