I dare you, I double dare you to take the rest of the month of February and also include March and pick 1 day a week to have a valentines day. You may be saying that you don’t have time…. lol you don’t have to take a day off from work… do something as fun and simple as making breakfast in bed for your honey, create a date night and take a private archery lesson as a special treat
. And for a wicked cool bonus The Heart CHOCOLATE is on sale right now 
The Ancient Greeks considered Cupid as the god of love and an archer. And through the ages Cupid has been a part of stories of love, and of over overcoming great obstacles. But one theme that seems to weave into all the stories that I have read about Cupid from the different time periods are these words, and I think it is in Latin; Omnia Vincit Amor ” Love Conquers All”.

Maybe in some strange way Cupid (the god of love) can be in our hearts every moment of every day. You can prepare yourself to love life by say getting up a little earlier in the day and go for quick walk in the morning. As you go for your walk find 10 things that you can appreciate on that walk. It might be the contrast of the colors of the trees and the sky, or the snow bank or the crashing of the ocean waves along the beech, or the feeling of the hot sun as you walk along the beech… It kind of depends on if you live near the equator or if it is winter time and snow in your part of the country. When you start your day and prime it with an attitude of gratitude you will probably have more positive energy and closer to feeling love during the day than if you wake up and tried to solve the worlds problems before 7:00am.
There is a lot of beauty in our culture and we do have a good amount of negativity that comes from TV, online, and in a lot of other places that creates stress in our lives. it is not always easy to just feel happy never mind feeling like your in love with life lol. But the cool thing about being human, is that you can decide to find the good in any situation and then you feel better and over time your stress level will go down.
This is a beautiful painting created by Benjamin West in 1809 and below is a an interesting description of the painting

Omnia Vincit Amor, or The Power of Love in the Three Elements
“Omnia vincit Amor,” (Love triumphs over everything) is a quotation from Virgil’s Eclogues. Venus, the goddess of love, is shown at the left with her attributes the doves and with her small son, Amor, armed with bow and arrows, clinging to her draperies. A young deity, presumably Hymen, god of marriage, brandishes a flaming torch with his right hand and grasps in his left cords that leash an eagle. The eagle symbolizes all the creatures living in the element Air, a hippocampus stands for those of the Water, and a lion for those on Earth. The fourth element, Fire, is implicit in the goddess herself, in the winged Amores, or little Loves, and most particularly in Hymen’s flaming torch.”
Website about the painting http://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/13202
Time for a date night and enjoy a romantic archery lesson?