I know this looks like the ingredients for a lunch or dinner meal, but with these items I made a delicious salad for breakfast. I have more energy and focus then if I had eaten one of the traditional American breakfasts that come out of a box, tastes like cardboard, and all you have to do is add milk and lots of sugar.
- What do you eat for breakfast and how does it make you feel an hour later?
- Do you run out the door with coffee in one hand and a bagel in the other hand with your car keys in your mouth?
- What does eating have to do with archery and / or high performance work?
I did an experiment a couple of years ago, I decided to keep track of the foods that I was eating, as well as how they made me feel, and to my surprise, I felt much better when I didn’t eat wheat. I’m in no way saying that you should stop eating those delicious bagel breakfast sandwiches, yum yum drool drool . Just maybe perhaps create a food diary so that you can keep track of what you eat and how it makes you feel, because that will allow you to get a basic idea of how your body reacts to the foods you are eating.
In the below picture is the breakfast that I had this morning, I think it’s just missing some steak tips….. and maybe some nuts lol
If you feel like it, I would recommend checking out this website http://fastfoodhealing.com/ Sarah Bingham who owns Fast Food Healing, is a good friend of mine and Sarah has some great information about food on her website.